ECSA Rules of Engagement for Coaches, Players, and Families
ECSA's Philosophy is to create a happy, healthy and fun environment that allows each player to grow as a positive human being, student and soccer player. Our focus is teaching the Fundamentals of soccer in a positive environment that emphasizes creativity. ECSA focuses on building a strong relationship with the ball. Each session will be high in energy, fun, and have positive coaching. ECSA coaches will encourage players to express themselves and make their own decisions.
ECSA was founded on AYSO philosophies and believes that all coaches, players, and families should be accountable for following our guidelines and rules.
As a club soccer arm of AYSO, we follow four of the six AYSO Philosophies.
Positive Coaching - A coach can be one of the most influential people in a player’s life, so ECSA requires they create a positive experience for every player in ECSA. Additionally, encouraging player’s effort leads to greater enjoyment, improved skills and stronger motivation in players.
Good Sportsmanship - We strive to create a positive environment based on mutual respect rather than a win-at-all-costs attitude, and our programs are designed to instill good sportsmanship in every facet of ECSA.
Player Development - All players should be able to develop their soccer skills and knowledge to the best of their abilities, both individually and as members of a team, to maximize their enjoyment of the game.
Everyone Plays - ECSA’s goal is for kids to play soccer, so we mandate that every player on every team must play at least 50 percent of every game, providing they have made every required team session.
For Players
Playing for the ECSA can be an exciting opportunity, but it also carries with it some obligations. Now that you are a member of one of our teams, here are the basic rules we expect you to follow:
- You will play for the fun of it!! Play the game for the game’s sake, and not just to please my parents or coach.
- Respect the game of soccer and its laws, learn these laws and try to follow them, and play the game fairly.
- You will make every effort to attend all practices and games. Some conflicts are inevitable, but they should be rare.
- If you are unable to attend a practice or game, you will let your coach know in advance.
- You will come prepared physically and mentally to training sessions and matches.
- You will show up for practices and games on time and with the proper uniform and equipment.
- You will exhibit good sportsmanship at all times, remembering that you are representing ECSA at all times. If you win, you can be happy and celebrate, but you may not speak or act boastfully. If you lose, you may be disappointed, but you may not act angrily.
- You will not use foul or inappropriate language at any time. Use of foul or inappropriate language will result in immediate removal from game or practice.
- You will treat the referees with respect. If you criticize a referee’s decision, you can expect to be immediately removed from the game and to sit the remainder of that game.
- You will offer support and encouragement to your teammates. It is the coach’s job, not yours, to point out their mistakes. Negative behavior toward teammates will result in immediate removal from the game.
- You will wish opponents good luck before the game and congratulate them in a courteous manner following victory or defeat.
- You will shake hands with the other team and the official(s) after the game.
- You will try to improve your soccer skills by practicing on your own and with your friends as often as possible.